Hello Creative Glass Gifters!
Well, it’s been about six months since Brodie and I got engaged and neither of us has given the idea of a wedding too much thought. But as someone reminded me recently, we have guests coming from interstate and overseas who might like a bit of forewarning as to when the big day is. No hastily thrown together wedding for us! So the planning has begun (well, the plan to get onto the planning anyway) but I have already gotten sidetracked with thoughts of wedding decorations rather than venues and dates. Of course all I want to do is cover the guest tables with Creative Glass Gift vases and tea light candle holders, but I think I will need someone to intervene otherwise there will be no room for the guests and their dinner for all that glass on the table!
I’ve got four designs to show you today, however I get the feeling there will be quite a few more designed by the time I’m finished. My favourite so far is the personalised heart with an arrow through it and date.
For all the brides and grooms to be out there, what kind of table decorations are you thinking of?
Until next time