Happy Australia day everyone! Or as we have come to know it in my friendship circle “Hottest 100 Day” after the countdown of all the best songs of the previous year on radio station Triple J. These days there are some who may see commemorating the arrival of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove in 1788 as controversial. To me though, Australia Day is an opportunity to celebrate the things that make Australia wonderful; beautiful beaches and sweeping landscapes, unique flora and fauna, to vibrant cities and fantastic food and wine. While not perfect, we live in a country of opportunity where we have affordable health care and education. We are a democratic nation where Australians can vote who represents them and have their say on issues that will affect them.
I think as individuals we can forget some of the amazing things that we take for granted here in Australia. We don’t live in a war torn country or lack access to clean water and sanitation. Nor do we die fighting for the right to vote. So this Australia day, perhaps we should think of the good things in our lives, appreciate them for what they are and maybe think of what we can do to make Australia an even better place for everyone.
And not to forget the Australia Day tradition – the BBQ!
And if you’re listening to the Hottest 100 today, my money is on local Adelaide favourite The Beards, with their song Got Me a Beard! Good luck boys!
Have safe and fantastic Australia Day long weekend everyone!
Creative Glass Gifts
PS. The featured GloBlock picture is a preview of one of our new products coming soon – custom designed GloBlocks. Perfect for presents for Dads and kids, corporate gifts and just a funky addition to any room.